The conventional tools of investment management have been found wanting.

Many strategies are based on economic forecasting (itself an activity with little track record of success) on the tenuous assumption that there is a correlation between economics and financial market performance. The other traditional valuation methods, such as price earnings ratios, price/cash flow, price/book and replacement cost accounting, have not been consistently reliable forecasting tools. The disillusionment with active equity investment is evidenced by the migration of half of global equity portfolios to passive management.

A combination of practical experience and academic research has led Solent to design algorithmic solutions for investment management using such techniques as trend following, momentum and risk parity. Solent algorithmic approach provides superior risk adjusted returns to passive, since it reduces volatility and the drawdowns which can be so catastrophic in the context of sequence risk.

  • Peer reviewed research by eminent finance professors
  • Quantitative solutions for portfolio volatility reduction and perfect withdrawal rate calculations
  • Formulaic not human judgment
  • Software-based delivery
  • Suitable for long-term savings programmes in accumulation and decumulation phases
  • Application for pensions, endowments, family offices, sovereign wealth funds and individuals
  • An enhancement to passive
  • Applicable to Shariah compliant investment
  • Ten years continuous revenues
  • Proven methodology

Strategy builder demonstrates that asset allocation can be implemented using academically-evidenced rules

  • Construct Portfolios
  • Create your own rules-based, asset allocation strategies and analyse their historic performance.

  • Strategy Builder
  • Implement an equal weight strategy; risk parity; trend following and principles of momentum investing. Choose from developed and emerging market equities, a range of fixed income markets, commodities and REITs to populate your strategy.

  • Targeting Filter
  • To lower the volatility of your chosen strategy you can overlay a volatility target using a simple volatility targeting filter.

  • Streamlined Reporting
  • Solent ISB helps increase efficiency and enhance communication with beautiful, concise visualizations you can easily copy to your decks for your clients or reports.


PWR Calculator

The PWR (perfect withdrawal rate) calculator shows how the relatively new concept of Perfect Withdrawal Rate can be used in assessing the appropriate sustainable withdrawal amounts from a pot of wealth.This can be applied equally to private retirement funds endowments, charities and indeed any funds requiring regular withdrawals.

The subject of estimating sustainable withdrawal rates usually falls back on describing the likely minimum safe withdrawal possibilities for various portfolio constructions over different decumulation periods. PWR Calculator Solution is coming soon.